Romantic Engagement Session on the Lake Michigan Shoreline // West Olive, Michigan
Meredith + Jordon
The beautiful shoreline of Michigan is often requested and let me just say…I am HERE FOR IT. Meredith was no exception! She knew she wanted a beachy scene to compliment her wedding in the city next Spring, so West we headed!
Funny back story before I share all this pretty! When Meredith first reached out, I noticed she worked at OtterBase. Coincidentally, I worked there for 7 years and my husband still currently works there (yes yes, that’s where we met)! I still keep in touch with a handful of employees, and was sure she heard my name through the grapevine or minimum was referred to me after her engagement. Turns out, she had NO CLUE I ever worked there or that I was Dan’s wife (who she sat pretty close to)! Ironically, she had just been following along with my work on Instagram and when Jordon popped the question, she reached out to me, completely oblivious of the connection there! Too funny!
You can’t tell from these photos, but this evening was one of THE hottest of the year. We’re talking temps in the 90’s with full blown humidity. July has been beating us down with heat! Let me just say…those shots in the water at the end?! We were LIVING!
Enjoy these hand selected favorites from Meredith & Jordon’s engagement session in West Olive! Didn’t they do great?!