A Senior Session with Elisabeth B. | Grand Rapids + Rockford, Michigan
Elisabeth B. | Class of 2021
I’ll say it again, I’ve lucked out with some pretty spectacular senior’s this year!! Not only drop dead gorgeous, but equally as sweet and talented, too! Elisabeth is a dancer and in the same program as Samantha and Danielle, two other talented senior’s I’ve had the pleasure of capturing!
Starting in downtown Grand Rapids and wrapping up in Rockford, we had a gorgeous summer evening for Elisabeth’s session. She is currently a senior at Catholic Central High School, and although this year may not be what she anticipated, I KNOW without a doubt she is making the best of it, along with all her other classmates! They are trailblazers of what is now the new normal.
I look forward to following Elisabeth’s path as I am certain she will do great things with her life! Congratulations to all of the 2021 senior’s!