All the Details of my Creative Business Rebrand
Hello friends!
Exciting day over here! Today is LAUNCH DAY for my brand new beautiful logo and website, and I am elated to share with the world what myself, Paige Murray from Hue Creative, and Emma Rose from Emma Rose Company have been working on behind the scenes for the last 2 months! A labor of love, that's for sure!
Why a Rebrand?
I humor myself sometimes, like taking on a complete rebrand and overhaul of my website in the middle of my busiest wedding season to date. But don't they say...if you want something done, give it to a busy person? Honestly, this is something I've thought about for quite sometime. It's been weighing on my heart month and after month but as I watch my schedule fill up with weddings, newborns, and lifestyle sessions, I recognize that this business of mine is growing. It's sustainable. Rebranding is an investment, but I also recognize the importance of a brand, using that brand to grow your business even further, and to help attract your ideal client. Because my creative business has forward momentum, because my style has been refined, I needed that represented correctly, and beautifully. That is why I chose to rebrand.
The Logo and Sub-mark
I knew with a rebrand, I'd need to outsource what I couldn't do myself. Step 1. was finding someone who was savvy in interpreting someone else's brand and needs, while also creatively designing a logo to encompass that brand in its entirety. That's a lot to ask of someone, and a lot of trusting from my end! I knew I had my girl when I saw the beautiful custom glass escort cards delivered the day of my first workshop back in May. I reached out to Paige after my workshop and shortly after we were sitting down for coffee talking all things Laurenda Marie Photography. I knew moving forward with her on this project was the right decision! And after a handful of concepts and communications later, we landed on the perfect logo and sub-mark for my business. Paige was incredible to work with start to finish. Pure talent, kind soul, and excited & engaged with my project from the beginning. I highly recommend her if you're looking for custom hand lettering!
The web design
Step 2. of my rebrand was hiring talent to go in and completely redesign my website using my new brand elements from Hue Creative. This was quite possibly the easiest decision of the entire process. Emma Rose is someone I found near the end of 2016 in a Facebook community for photographers. I loved her style and creative spirit. In fact, not months after I began following her journey, I found myself signed up for her first workshop and flying all the way to Washington State to meet and learn from her. I knew that when it was time to rebrand, it would be her. Everything Emma touches turns to beauty, so to trust her with my brand, my baby, came easy.
The process with Emma was smooth. She's organized (like me!) and that's refreshing (and necessary) with such a large project like this! There was a bit of work initially from my end, but after I took care of some formalities, we were ready to roll! When Emma sent over the mood board for my site, I was like YESSSSS GIRLLLL. The tones...the feels...the yummyness...they embody everything Laurenda Marie Photography currently is, and all the places we are going.
From there, Emma got to work quickly and put together the prettiest site that made all my rebranding dreams come true. I can't thank her enough, and if you take the leap and hire Emma, you'll thank me too!
thank you
Whether you're here reading this because you're a past client, hopeful client, Instagram follower, friend, family member, or stumbled upon me elsewhere...THANK YOU. Just thank you for being present and a part of this journey with me. It's you out there reading, cheering, booking, and following me that makes this all worth it. I hope you love my new website as much as I do. Please, feel free to stay in my corner of the web for a little while, and make yourself at home!