One Year Photos + Cake Smash | Rockford, Michigan
greenleigh jo
Jackie and I have known each other for nearly a decade, and I was so excited when she asked me to capture her daughter Greenleigh's first birthday photos! Before we get into what is the cutest thing you will see all day (OK let's be honest, maybe all year) let's back up for a moment so we can appreciate how special this truly is!
Jackie was born with an intersex variation. Intersex is a term used when a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't quite fit the mold of male or female. Approximately 2% of the population is intersex. Jackie is very open about this topic and explains more about it on her blog here. I encourage everyone to head on over and read it to familiarize themselves! I know I've learned a lot since she has started sharing her thoughts and feelings, and I am appreciative of her honestly and vulnerability.
Not having a female reproductive system, but wanting badly to become a Mother, Jackie and her husband Jimmy had to turn to an alternative method. With a donor egg and Jimmy's sperm, they used a surrogate to carry and birth their now very beautiful one year old girl! And the best, most heartwarming part? That surrogate was none other than Jackie's big sister! The story really pulls at my heartstrings. I know I shed a tear or two as I followed along on their journey.
So back to Miss Greenleigh! Reaching this milestone is incredibly special for Mom, Dad, their family, and friends! She's the one they longed for, prayed for, and dreamed of, and she is just as beautiful and sweet as the photos portray.
Happy First Birthday Greenleigh Jo!