Spring Family Lifestyle at the Orchard | Booth Family | Grand Rapids, Michigan

Spring Family Lifestyle Session at the Apple Orchard | Laurenda Marie Photography | Grand Rapids, Michigan


Some sessions really get me giddy. I mean, all sessions do, but this was a session I had been looking forward to for weeks!

I was so excited when Liz reached out to me for family photos, #1 because we've been friends for over a decade (helloooo local band days!) and #2 because I hadn't yet met the newest addition of her family - baby Asher! The handsomest 6 month old. His smile and those eyes? A true heartbreaker. 

With rain in the forecast, we nearly rescheduled, but in true Michigan fashion, the rain held out and the sun came out. I'm glad I was able to utilize those gorgeous Spring blossoms yet again at my favorite local orchard, Robinettes. Those apple trees never disappoint! And either did this family. I mean, just look at how picture perfect. Love you guys!