Simple & Organic One Year Cake Smash Studio Session | Stella Jane | Laurenda Marie Photography | Grand Rapids, Michigan

We are very boy heavy in my family, so when we found out my sister was having a baby girl we were over the moon! It's been so fun to watch her grow from an itty bitty newborn to a squishy, curious, and determined baby girl - who walked at 9 months! My boys didn't walk until 15 and 17 months, to be exact, so I know hitting this milestone so early was quite the feat! Girl was ready to move!

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Cressida | 8 Month Natural Light Studio Session | Laurenda Marie Photography | Grand Rapids, Michigan

I always stress that I love shooting outdoor, but this white studio space in Grand Rapids makes me weak in the knees. I am attracted to white, clean spaces as they offer such a beautiful backdrop to showcase the subjects of my sessions, like sweet 8 month old Cressida!

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